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Entry Configuration Management Screen

All setup for entries in OpenTrack is done via the entry configuration screen.

Entry Config button in management screens


One of the benefits of OpenTrack is the detail to which you can configure your events — whilst the main options in each section are visible by default, full details for all other options can be found in the expandable blue boxes throughout the page.


The eligibility section allows you to define who is eligible to enter your competition.

Eligibility Settings

Athlete Eligibility


If you use strict licensing, unlicensed athletes will not be able to enter your competition

This allows you to define the licence requirements for entry.

  • Current federation - licence strictly required - athletes cannot complete an entry without an active licence
  • Licence checked but not required (1st claim and 2nd claim) - athletes will have licences checked on entry, but it is not a requirement
  • 1st claim only - For use with team declarations - only athletes with a valid 1st claim role with their club will appear to be declared
  • Federation Licence + 1st claim only - must be licensed with both federation and 1st claim club
  • Anyone — No licence checking


The 'Athlete Eligibility' setting only works if OpenTrack has licensing information for the country you are hosting your competition in

Organisation Types

The other key settings concern what the organisations an athlete can compete for:

  • Allow unattached — Athletes can compete without representing a team
  • Allow club/org teams — Athletes can choose a club or organisation to represent
  • Allow ad-hoc teams — Athletes can compete for a team defined by the organiser in Manage Teams
  • Allow national teams — Athletes can compete for a nation, rather than a club or organisation

If Allow club/org teams is checked, then you can define which clubs or organisations can enter in the 'Allowed Organisation Types' table.

If Allow ad-hoc teams is checked, athletes can select from the available ad-hoc teams in a drop-down menu during their entry journey.

Example Organisations
  • Thames Hare & Hounds
  • Bingley Harriers
  • Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde AC
  • 'Victoria Dock parkrunners'
  • 'Local Mums Getting Fit'
  • 'Big Corporate Head Office Joggers'
  • Midland Counties Athletics Association
  • Hertfordshire County Amateur Athletics Association
  • North Eastern Counties Athletics Association
  • Surrey Schools Athletics Association
  • Scottish Schools Athletics Association
  • Independent Schools Association
  • 'St Hilda's Primary'
  • 'Localville Secondary School'
  • 'Yourtown Sixth Form College'
  • Birmingham University Athletics Club
  • Loughborough Students AC
  • University of St Andrews Athletics and Cross Country Club
  • 1 Bn The Highlanders
  • RAF Waddington
  • Royal Army Physical Training Corps


It should be noted that being a club supercedes being any other type of organisation (i.e. schools, universities). In the UK, Millfield School, for example, is a registered club, as are many universities.

Other Settings

Full Configuration Details

Maximum events per athlete

  • The number of events that a single athlete can be entered for

Medical exam expiration window

  • The maximum number of days allowable since an athlete's last medical exam

If this is not relevant then simply leave it blank and it will not affect your entry criteria

Age group calculation

  • Allows you to choose between UKA age groups (U11, U13, U15, U17) and World Athletics age groups (U14, U16, U18). The U20 and U23 age groups are the same in both cases.

Age group category

  • Selects which discipline-specific age groups should be used for competition

Minimum age

  • Defines the minimum age an athlete can be on the day of competition

If you are looking to limit event entry using age groups, this should be done in the events grid instead

Eligibility (Advanced)


Entry restricted to clubs

  • Athletes can only enter representing clubs whose club codes are listed in the table


This is useful for opening up entries initially to only members of a certain club — the restriction can then be removed

Correct club choice

  • Whether to add club details for an athlete making an unattached entry, where OpenTrack has details

Restriction effect

  • What the entry system should do for an athlete who is not known to be a member of the club(s) specified in the restriction table

Restriction custom message

  • Help message to show to an athlete entering under an ineligble club, so they understand why they may not be able to enter

Secondary team

  • If you wish athletes to represent more than one a club/organisation, choose from the dropdown to decide how the secondary club is chosen/specified.

Exempt date of birth

  • Allows adding of competitors without date of birth

Team managers must approve entries

  • Adds 'approval' stage, where team managers can accept or reject entries made by athletes looking to represent their team

Entry backdoor password

  • Enables athletes in possession of this password to enter after entries have closed

Calculate U9 age group?

  • Whether to calculate U9s as an age group distinct from U11s, when using UK age groups.

Allow unlicensed U11s entry?

  • Whether to allow athletes U11 or younger to enter without a license, regardless of licence requirements

Allow unlicensed Irish athletes entry?

  • Whether to allow Irish athletes to enter without a licence, regardless of licence requirements

Allow unlicensed foreign athletes entry?

  • Whether to allow non-UK athletes to enter without a licence, regardless of licence requirements
Age Groups

Override age group cut off date

  • Gives the option of setting a virtual competition date, to calculate athlete age groups as if the competition was taking place on the date specified.

Auto age groups

  • Whether to automatically calculate age groups from date of birth

Use vets age groups

  • Whether veteran age groups should be used, or all veterans should show as senior

Allow competing out of category

  • Whether athletes should be able to enter/compete in events outside of their typical category

Do individual rankings use team category?

  • Whether those competing out-of-age in a team competition should have their individual results listed out-of-age as well

Categorise U20/U23 as Senior

  • Whether U20s/U23s should have their category listed as senior

Filter vets events

  • Whether vets should be able to enter events open to seniors
  • If left blank then Veteran athletes (35+) can enter any event only specified to Seniors
  • If checked, then Veteran athletes can only enter events specific to their individual 5 year age group

Require check-ins for whole competition

  • Require athletes to check-in before the competition for all their events


This would typically be in use at a competition where athletes need to register on the gate and pick up their bibs — allows for seeding without a bunch of DNSs. Athletes can also be sent a link to check in before the competition from the Mailing tab.

  • If checked, someone will need to check a box on each competitor on the comeptitor screen to check them in before they can be seeded. There are also mass checkin buttons on this screen.

Allow check-in approvers

  • Allow the ability for those with the correct roles to approve check-ins made by athletes

Enable irreversible check-ins

  • Prevent users from checking out, once they have checked in

Require check-ins per event

  • Require athletes to be checked in for each of the events they are competing in


This feature is typically what would be understood as the 'Call Room'

Call room check-in time (races/field)

  • The time (in minutes) before an event that the call room should be open for

Entry Payments

Individual Entry Payments

Basic Entry Status

Individual Entries status

  • Not open yet
  • Open for entries
  • Entries have closed

Opening date — The day on which you want entries to open

Closing date — The day on which you want entries to close

Closing time of day — The time on the closing date at which you want entries to close

Basic Pricing

Fee currency — The currency in which you want to charge competitors. It will default to the currency of the country the competition is in.

Price per event — The basic cost for an event at your competition, before modifiers

Price Modifiers

In this grid you can decide how you want to modify your price per event under certain conditions.

The type of modifier goes in the 'Kind' column, the 'Value' column is the specific team, age group, etc. in that type that you want to modify, and the 'Change' is the increase or decrease in price.

Example Modifiers
Kind Value Change
  • This modifier would reduce the cost per event for athletes from Kent AC by £5.
  • For TEAM modifiers, the 'Value' is the code of the organisation you want to modify costs for.
Kind Value Change
AGE_GROUP U20 -1.00
AGE_GROUP U17 -2.00
AGE_GROUP U15 -2.00
  • These modifiers would reduce the cost per event for U20 athletes by £1, and for U17 or U15 athletes by £2.
  • For AGE_GROUP modifiers, the 'Value' is the age group you want to modify costs for.
Kind Value Change
EVENT_CODE 100 5.00
  • This modifier would increase the cost per event for athletes entering all 100 metre events. Useful if you are holding two rounds in an open meeting and want to charge more.
Kind Value Change
EVENT_ID F05 -2.00
  • This modifier would reduce the cost of entering into event F05. Useful if you have a junior field event with less jumps/throws, for instance.
Kind Value Change
Q1 Yes 5.00
  • This modifier would add £5 per event onto an athlete's entry if they answered 'Yes' to custom question 1.

Each modifier must be on its own line. You cannot use a comma separated list.

Entry Payments (Advanced)


Price modifier for 2+ events

  • Modifies the price of the every event entered by athletes after their first. Useful for providing multi-event discounts.

Price modifier for licence

  • Modifies the price for athletes with a valid national licence. Useful to give required £2 discounts in UK road races, for example.

Per person surcharges

  • This functions in the same manner as the per event modification grid above — however, modifications in this grid are applied once per person rather than once per event each person enters.

Chargeable extras

  • Useful if you want to give competitors the option of paying for added extras, such as an event t-shirt, for example:
Name Options Price
Event T-Shirt S,M,L,XL 15.00
  • Name- the name of your optional extra
  • Options - the options available for the extra, separated by commas
  • Price - how much the extra costs
Early Bird
  • Early bird discounts are applied to each events, until the cut off date, meaning if an event costs £12 and you set the discount to -£2, each event will only be £10 until the cut off date.

  • You can set two early bird discount, Early discount 1 could be set to -£4 until the 01/01/2024, and Early discount 2 could be set to -£2 until the 01/02/2024.


A negative value should be input to decrease the price until the set date (i.e. providing a discount before that date)

Discount Codes

Using the grid provided, you can create discount codes for an event — useful if you want to provide race winners with an incentive to come back in future, for example.

The max_uses field will specify the maximum number of times a code can be used before the system will stop accepting it.

code discount max_uses
racewinner2023 -10.00 10

Individual Entry Journey

Individual Entry Journey part 1

Terms and Conditions

T&C Text - Terms and Conditions text for users to accept. This box is a rich text field, so you can use hyperlinks, bold text, italics, etc.

T&C for athletes - A link to the location of a T&Cs document or web page you want users to read and accept

Custom Questions

Adding questions into the custom questions grid will mean those questions are asked of users during the entry journey.

'Label' is the question itself, 'Typ' is the type of answer, and ticking the 'Required' checkbox will mean users cannot complete the entry journey without answering the question.

To restrict the question to have a predetermined set of answers, use the 'Options' field, separating the answers with commas.

To restrict the question to only appear when users are entering certain events, use the 'Relevant Event' field, separating the Event ID(s) with commas .

Custom Questions Example
Label Typ Options Required Relevant Event
How are you travelling? TEXT Car, Bus, Train, Walk T01, T02, F03

In this example, users entering a competitor into events T01, T02, or F03 will have to tell the organiser how they are travelling to the event, selecting an option from the four defined in the 'Options' box.

Seeding data

Qualifying Performance and PBs/SBs can both be used for seeding, this data can be collected during the entry process or imported in from statistical sites, including Power of 10 (UK specific) and Tilastopaja (Europe Specific).

If you an event is only open to those within a specific standard, i.e. those under 30 minutes for 10,000m, a qualifying performance will be required.

  • Qualifying Performance - Select if a qualifying performance is required, optional, or not shown

  • Qualifying where and when? - Select required, optional, or not shown to whether athletes need to input where and when they set their qualifying performance. This can help ensure athletes are providing accurate and recent performances.

  • PB/SB box - Select if PB/SB is required, optional, or not shown

Additional Competitor Details

Individual Entry Journey part 2
  • Show anti-doping terms - When ticked, the UKA anti-doping terms will be shown at check out, and require those entering to agree to follow the anti-doping rules.

  • Require Emergency Contact Info - When ticked, users need to provide the name and phone number of an emergency contact

  • Require postal address - When ticked, users need to provide their postal address

  • Require postcode - When ticked, users need to provide a postcode

  • Show UK Gift Aid checkbox - When ticked, and you have a charity appeal, entrants will be able to tick if they can add gift aid to their donation.


It is recommended that if requesting address information, you tick both the postal address and postcode boxes

Charity Options

Charity Donation

You can create a charity collection step in the entry journey if you want to get your participants to donate some money during their entry.

  • To allow gift aid, ensure the Show UK Gift Aid checkbox is ticked.
  • Charity Title - The title of your charity
  • Charity Subtitle - A bit more information about the charity
  • Charity Suggested Donation - A suggested (editable) donation to show in the entry journey.
  • Show Charity Total - Tick this to have a running total of the donations on the homepage
  • Charity Share of Entry Fee - Input a figure here to specify a percentage of the entry fee to go to charity. 1=100%, 0.5=50%, etc


Charity donations will show on Step 7 of the entry journey, and a running total will appear on the competition homepage.

Help Text

For each of these fields, the text entered is that which will be shown at different stages of the entry journey, to guide users through smoothly.

You can set up this help text to ensure users enter information as you require it at each stage.

Help Text
  • Add an athlete — Athlete selection stage, where users select the athlete they wish to enter
  • Step 1 — Athlete confirmation stage, where users confirm the athlete they wish to enter
  • Step 2 — Club selection stage, where users select the club or organisation the athlete is competing for
  • Step 3 — Event selection stage, where users select the events they wish to enter from the list of events they are eligible for
  • Step 4 — National licence purchase stage — this is only used in Norway and Malta
  • Step 5 — Extra purchase stage, where users have the option to buy anything you specified in the chargeable extras grid
  • Step 6 — Custom questions stage, where users answer any custom questions you have set up
  • Step 7 — Charity donations stage, where users have the option to donate to a charity you have chosen
  • Step 8 — Emergency information stage, where users input emergency contact details
  • Basket — The basket stage, where users can pay or confirm their entry

This allow you to take paid entries for road and cross country relays, where one person from each club enter the number of teams they want in each event, and then closer to the competition date, team managers can declare the runners in each relay team.

Relay Entry Configuration"


Relay entries costs are calculated by the number of legs and the cost per event selected in Individual Entry Payments.

  • Relay opening date - This is the date you want to open relay entries.

  • Relay closing date - This is the date you want to close relay entires.

  • Relay team entries status - This shows if entries not open yet, open, or closed and can be manually changed.

  • Limit relay team entries per event - This allows you to set a limit on the number of relay teams one club or organisation can enter per event.

  • Runners in reserve - This allows you to set how many reserve athletes can be selected, if set to 2, a team could declare 6 athletes for a 4x3Mile relay, with runners 5&6, being reserve 1&2.

  • Allow athletes to compete in multipel relay teams for same team and event - If ticked, athletes can compete for more than one of their clubs teams, allowing them to run multiple legs.

  • Ignore unexpected bibs - If ticked, you can upload results consisting of R01, R02, & R03 for example, but the results for R01 will only show those who's bib numbers, match those of teams entered into RO1.

  • Allow relay team additions/removal - If ticked, teams can edit their entry after paying, to add or remove more teams.

  • Allow indiv entry relay - If ticked, individuals can add a relay entry to their basket while entering an individual event.

  • Disallow ad-hoc relay teams - You can prevent teams entering with ad-hoc teams.

  • Categories for teams - You can list the categories who are allowed to enter.


Only one person per club can create and edit a relay entry per competition, but as many people can be setup as team managers to declare the runners.

Team Declaration

Team declaration has many uses, including for league matches such as the NAL, varsity matches such as those between Oxford and Cambridge, and to declare the runners of a relay team entered using the Paid Road/XC Relay Entry which is explained above.

Team Declaration Configuration

Team Declarations status

Declarations are yet to have opened.

Declarations are open for team managers to declare who's in their team.

Teams can't declare any new runners, but can change the running order and remove athletes, to utlise their reserves (The number of reserves is set in the Paid Road/XC Relay Entry settings).

Team declarations have closed and no further changes can be made.

  • Team Declarations close when? — Sets the closing of declarations in relation to the competition date

  • Team Declarations filtering — Gives the option to limit use of team declarations only to individual events, only to relay events, or to all events.

  • Limit scorers per scoring event — Limit the number of scorers a team can declare/enter into a scoring event

  • Limit guests per scoring event — Limit the number of guests a team can enter into a scoring event ????how do we determine scoring events, is it category?

  • Limit entries per non-scoring event — Limit the number of athletes a team can enter into a non-scoring event ???? determined by category ending NS????

  • Enable paid team entry features — If ticked, teams managers can declare athletes for a competition and pay for their entry on their behalf.

  • Restricted set of teams — Restrict entries through team declarations to only those teams you have specified in the Manage Teams screen.