Events and Scoring Management Screen¶
Events Grid¶
The events grid is used to define all events that exist in your competition.
You can work through the grid in on the web page or set it up on a spreadsheet and copy it in.
Column Headings¶
Enter an event ID. It can be simple as "1, 2, 3" etc or "R1, R2, R3", or you could use T&F numbers (i.e, T01, F01 etc) - whatever you want.
If using letters, these must be capitals.
Enter your event code, as per the list here.
If you do not enter a valid event code, your event may be handled by OpenTrack in unexpected ways
List the age groups you want the event to be available for. For example:
- ALL — Everyone is eligible
- U15,U17,V35,V65 — Only the age groups listed are eligible; no-one outside these groups can enter
If you have ticked Categorise U20 as Senior in Entry Config, this is for display purposes only; you still need to specify U20 in this grid to accept U20 entries.
- M — Male
- F — Female
- MF — Both
An event's category is some short, user-defined text that helps with identification. Some examples are SW, M400, or JuniorShot etc.
You cannot have two events defined by the same event code and category. You need to use a different category if two events with same code.
The number of entries you want to allow in an event. If you set the limit for an event to 20, OpenTrack will only accept 20 entries.
The name of the event — make it descriptive but short!
This column dictates the structure of the event, and denotes whether there will be just one race or heats and finals. The number you type defines the number of heats and you can specify rounds using a comma:
- 1 round with 1 heat: 1
- 1 round with 5 heats: 5
- 2 rounds with 5 heats and 1 final: 5,1
- 2 rounds with 10 heats in round 1, and 10 heats in round 2: 10,10
- 3 rounds, with 4 heats, two semi-finals, and a final: 4,2,1
The day of your competition that the event is on. If your competition is only on one day then this column will be 1 for all events, otherwise write the number of the day it takes place. If your event has multiple rounds, this column should be the day of Round 1.
The time Round 1 of the event is scheduled to take place.
You will need to use the parent column if you are holding any combined events competitions. To set up a combined event, add the combined event itself as a row in the events grid, and then add the Event ID of that row to the parent column for all the individual events within the combined event.
Just a simple count to see how many entries you have in a given event. Clicking the COUNT ENTRIES button updates this column.
Flexible Timetabling¶
If you want to make sure your events are in chronological order but you are not sure of your final timetable, then give event IDs in order, simply 1, 2, 3, etc. Once your timetable is finalised, click the RENUMBER EVENTS button.
Standard Event Codes¶
We've put together a table of the event codes available in our system. These are used to specify what your event is.
N.B. Not all events are listed as it would be infinite to list every distance possible. Pay particular attention to distance events as the format is repeated, e.g. 60m, 60H, 5k, 5 miles, 20km walk, 2000m steeplechase, relays, etc
Event | Code | Note |
High Jump | HJ | |
Pole Vault | PV | |
Long Jump | LJ | |
Triple Jump | TJ | |
Shot Put | SP | |
Discus | DT | |
Hammer | HT | |
Javelin | JT | |
Other Throw | OT | For any miscellaneous throw |
60m | 60 | Any raw number is assumed to be in metres, i.e. 100m is 100, 200m is 200 etc. |
60m Hurdles | 60H | Any number ending with H is a hurdles event over that number of metres |
2000m S'chase | 2000SC | Any number ending with SC is a steeplechase event over that number of metres |
20km Walk | 20KW | K is for kilometres, and W is for walk |
Decathlon | DEC | |
Heptathlon | HEP | |
Pentathlon | PEN | |
Quadkids | QUAD | |
Octathlon | OCT | |
4x100m Relay | 4X100 | Always the number of athletes, then 'X', then the distance of the relay in metres |
Track mile | MILE | |
Road mile | 1M | Any number ending with M is a road event over that number of miles |
5 km | 5K | Any number ending with K is a road event over that number of kilometres |
5 miles | 5M | |
Marathon | MAR | |
Half marathon | HM | |
5 mile cross-country | XC | You can use XC as a simple code, and put distance in the event name |
Higher is better (i.e. press ups) | H1 | Can use any code from H1 to H9 |
Lower is better (i.e. golf-style scoring) | L1 | Can use any code from L1 to L9 |
Set time | T30 | Any number preceded by T is a timed event. T30 is a 30 minute event |
Sportshall Event Codes¶
Event | Code |
Standing Long Jump | SLJ |
Standing Vertical Jump | SHJ |
Standing Triple Jump | STJ |
Balance Test | BAL |
Speed Bounce | SPB |
Target Throw | TART |
Overhead Heave | OHT |
Hi-Stepper 4*8m | 32H |
Chest Push | CHT |
Shuttle Run 10m*10m | 100 |
Indoor Javelin | JT |
800m | 800 |
Shot Put | SP |
For help with the SportsHall concept and to learn how the events work and codes should be applied, please take a look at the handbook.
Events Table¶
The events table is a quick way to view, add, edit, or delete events.
You can quickly view the Event Number, Code, Age Group, Gender, Category Limit, Name, number of rounds, and the Time & Day of each round.
You can search for events by any the values in the event table, or you can filter your search to only look at the values of the event number (Event ID) or event code.
The table by default will only show 10 rows, and you can use the arrows to look at the next next events, or you can increase the rows per page to 20 or 50.
Deleting an Individual Events¶
At the end of the page, you will see two Actions allowing you to delete and edit individual events.
To delete an event you just need to click the rubbish bin icon.
You can't delete events with entries, and attempting to will return an error message. If you cancel an event, you can hide it from the timetable, by going to advanced settings.
Editing an Individual Events¶
- To Edit an event, you want to click the pen and paper icon, under the actions heading.
- You will then see each value which can be edited placed in a white box.
- To save your changes, click the tick, and to discard your changes click the stop sign.
Adding an event¶
- To Add an event, you need to click the red plus button in the top right hand corner.
- This will generate a new row, with blank values, allowing you to input them, like you see when editing an event.
- To save your changes, click the tick, and to discard your changes click the stop sign.
The event table is still in a beta form.
OpenTrack has a number of ways to calculate scores, of both teams using our pre-configured and configurable scoring methods, and for individuals in combined events competitions.
To utilise our team scoring methods, first you must define your teams, if you're unsure how to do this look at our teams docs pages.
All team scoring tables set up will be accessible from the competitions home page, while combined event scoring tables are accessible from the events/results button on home page.
Pre-Configured Scoring¶
We have a number of pre-configured scoring methods to conclude which teams wins the match. We have scoring for the National Athletics League, Oxbridge Varsity match, Surrey League XC, and many more. If you have a match which needs match scoring get in contact.
Configurable Scoring¶
If you want to see which team one a specific event, you can configure your own scoring table.
These scoring methods are primarily used for XC and road races. The basic concept is to filter a (possibly large) race and apply a scoring system to a sub-group of the runners. You do this by defining the Scoring Tables you wish to display. Each of these becomes a web page you can link to. So, for example, within a race of several hundred athletes, you can have multiple matches going on such as...
- Men's or women's team of N runners
- Mob matches where almost every runner counts
- Age group competitions (e.g. M40/M45 team prize)
- Age graded virtual team competitions, which engage everybody
- A two-club match within a much larger race
Setting up a new configurable scoring table¶
To start click New and then you will see a blank form which allow you to define the rules of your scoring system.
Configurable settings¶
Define the name and subtitle of your scoring table, i.e. "V35 Half Marathon". You can leave the subtitle field blank.
If you have multiple scoring tables, i.e.: one for each vets category, you can give a number to each table and then they will be ordered numerically.
Define which scoring method you want to use.
Do you want the table to consider all events, or is your table focused on a specific event.
Which category of athletes should be considered, U17s, or V35s? If you've got multiple categories, you can include them all as a list, separated by a comma.
Define whether you want to score male, female, or male & female athletes.
If you only want your scoring table to consider a specific set of teams, give a list of their team codes.
Set how many teams each club can have.
How many athletes per team will score?
If you've set the "Filter Genders" to a defined mix of men and women, you can define how many women must be in the team. If you have six scorers and 3 women per team, a team scorers will consist of at least 3 women.
Additional Settings¶
Allow non-scorers - If ticked non-scorers can score.
Allow incomplete teams - If ticked, teams which don't meet the value of "Scorers er club/team" can still have a team score.
Displacement - If ticked, athletes who are not in their clubs top number of athletes, can still help their club by displacing rival team members, reducing or increasing their score depending on how you're scoring.
Filter penalty Score to Category - ???
Special Rules¶
There are currently four special rules:
- Three are Mob Match Rules:
- All runners in the smallest team count, which defines the number of scorers by the smallest team.
- Last runner in smallest team excluded - ???
- Last 2 runners in smallest team excluded - ???
- The fourth rule is an Oxbridge varsity rules for the lower team, where the first 8 athletes score double.
Combined Events¶
Simply select the scoring table you wish to apply for your combined events and click SAVE
If there are multiple combined events during your competition, and some require different scoring methods to others (e.g.. Introducing WMA factors for Masters athletes, or the English Schools 800m factor), then click ADVANCED. This allows you to change the scoring method for individual combined events.
Simply select the scoring table for the event you wish to be different and click SAVE.
Custom Formula¶
If a specific event within a combined event uses a different scoring method then you can specify this via the custom formula method. For example, if, for some reason, you wish to score the heptathlon as per normal World Athletics rules, except for the high jump, which has a different formula, then you need to use this method.
1) Firstly select standard World Athletics scoring for the HEP, as described above. 2) Go to the EVENTS page and then scroll down and choose the Advanced Configuration for the event in question. So, in this example it would be the HJ for the HEP.
The custom formula will always override any other scoring method selected. So, you keep World Athletics as the standard scoring for the HEP but input your individual formula for the HJ and then click SAVE.