Officials Management Screen¶
The officials management screen allows you to view and add to officials for your meeting.
Officials Roles¶
To see a brief description of what each role entitles a user to do, click the white 'Explanation' box at the top of the page to expand it and view descriptions of each role
- Admin: National federation staff or national expert, can create competitions and people
- Director: Set up (and delete) anything to do with a competition
- Official: Manage and check in competitors, and specific events
- Recorder: Input field results only
- Org-role: Person has Role in all competitions for this organiser
- Comp-role: Person has Role in this competition only.
- Group: Web user manually assigned to a group, not connected to a Person record in database.
Adding Officials¶
Simply click any of the ADD OFFICIAL buttons and complete the form that pops up.
- First, search for the person to see if they are in the database.
- If so, click on them and choose the role and invite them.
- If not, click NEW PERSON and fill in their details, choose role you wish to assign them and click INVITE.
Inviting Officials
The person will receive the invitation via email. This will include an activation link, which they need to click to accept the invitation so they can and help you with the event.