Events and Scoring Management Screen¶
Events Grid¶
The events grid is used to define all events that exist in your competition.

You can work on the event grid in your browser, or copy in existing setup from a spreadsheet.
Column Headings¶
Event IDs are used to uniquely identify each event. They can be simple as '1', '2', '3', or more complicated. Many competitions use T&F numbers for track and field events (i.e, T01, F01 etc.).
If using letters, these must be capitals.
A code that tells OpenTrack which athletics discipline your event is, as per the list here.
List the age groups you want the event to be available for. For example:
- ALL — Everyone is eligible
- U15,U17,V35,V65 — Only the age groups listed are eligible; no-one outside these groups can enter
If you have ticked Categorise U20 as Senior in Entry Config, this is for display purposes only; you still need to specify U20 in this grid to accept U20 entries.
- M — Male
- F — Female
- MF — Both
Short, user-defined text that helps with identification. Some examples are SW, M400, or JuniorShot etc.
You cannot have two events defined by the same event code and category. You need to use a different category if two events have the same code.
The number of entries you want to allow in an event. If you set the limit for an event to 20, OpenTrack will only accept 20 entries.
The limit checks count competitors whether entered through the entry journey or not, so if you have manually added competitors, you'll need to account for this.
The name of the event — make it descriptive but short!
This column dictates the structure of the event, and denotes whether there will be just one race or heats and finals. The number you type defines the number of heats and you can specify rounds using a comma:
- 1 round with 1 heat: 1
- 1 round with 5 heats: 5
- 2 rounds with 5 heats and 1 final: 5,1
- 2 rounds with 10 heats in round 1, and 10 heats in round 2: 10,10
- 3 rounds, with 4 heats, two semi-finals, and a final: 4,2,1
The day of your competition that the event is on. If your competition is only on one day then this column will be 1 for all events, otherwise write the number of the day it takes place. If your event has multiple rounds, this column should be the day of Round 1.
The time Round 1 of the event is scheduled to take place.
The parent column is used for combined events competitions. To set up a combined event, add the combined event itself as a row in the events grid, and then add the Event ID of that row to the parent column for all the individual events within the combined event.
How many entries a given event has. Clicking the COUNT ENTRIES button updates this column.
Renumber Events¶
The RENUMBER EVENTS button will use the input days/times in your event grid to apply T and F numbers in chronological order, changing your existing event IDs.
If you are unsure of your final timetable when setting up your event grid, you can add placeholder event IDs in the first instance, and use this feature to automatically sort out your event IDs when the timetable is confirmed.
Events Table¶
The events table is a quick way to view, add, edit, or delete events.

You can quickly view the Event Number, Code, Age Group, Gender, Category, Limit, Name, Rounds, and the Time & Day of each round.
You can search for specific events, either searching in all fields of the table, or only looking at event ID or event code.
By default, the table only shows 10 rows. You can use the arrows to move between pages, or increase the rows per page to 20 or 50.
At the end of each row are buttons to edit or delete an event.
You can't delete events with entries, and attempting to do so will return an error message.
Editing an Event¶
- To edit an event, click the pen and paper icon in the Actions column.
- You will then see each value which can be edited placed in a white box.
- To save your changes, click the tick
- To discard your changes, click the stop sign.
Adding an Event¶
- To add an event, click + in the top right hand corner.
- This will generate a new row, with blank values, allowing you to input them, like you see when editing an event.
- To save your changes, click the tick, and to discard your changes click the stop sign.
The event table is still in beta.
OpenTrack has a number of ways to calculate scores for both teams and individuals. Teams can be scored using our pre-configured and configurable scoring methods, while our combined events scoring options are available for individuals.
To utilise team scoring, first you must define your teams.
Pre-Configured Scoring¶

OpenTrack has a number of pre-configured scoring methods, including for the National Athletics League, Oxbridge Varsity match, Surrey League XC, and many more. If you have some custom scoring needs we don't already cover, get in touch!
Configurable Scoring¶
If you want to see which team one a specific event, you can configure your own scoring table.
These scoring methods are primarily used for XC and road races. The basic concept is to filter a (possibly large) race and apply a scoring system to a sub-group of the runners. You do this by defining the Scoring Tables you wish to display. Each of these becomes a web page you can link to. So, for example, within a race of several hundred athletes, you can have multiple matches going on such as...
- Men's or women's team of N runners
- Mob matches where almost every runner counts
- Age group competitions (e.g. M40/M45 team prize)
- Age graded virtual team competitions, which engage everybody
- A two-club match within a much larger race
Setting up a new configurable scoring table¶
To start click New and then you will see a blank form which allow you to define the rules of your scoring system.

Configurable settings¶
The labels to be displayed for your scoring table
For use with multiple scoring tables — those with the lowest display numbers are shown first
Define which scoring method you want to use
The event(s) to be scored, either a single event or all events
A comma-separated list of the categories of athletes to be scored, i.e. 'V35', or 'U13,U15,U17'
Whether teams should be made up of men, women, any mixture of the two, or a defined mixture of the two
A comma-separated list of the codes for the teams you want to appear in your scoring table. Leave blank for all teams.
How many scoring teams an organisation can have
How many athletes make up a scoring team
How many women should be in a mixed team. Only used if 'Filter Genders' is set as a defined mix of men and women.
Additional Settings¶
Allow non-scorers — If ticked, non-scorers can score.
Allow incomplete teams — If ticked, teams without the requisite number of scorers will be shown in rankings.
Displacement — If ticked, place calculations for scoring athletes are affected by athletes outside of scoring teams
Special Rules¶
There are currently four special rules:
- Three are for mob matches:
- All runners in the smallest team count — The number of scorers for each club is defined by size of the smallest team
- Last runner in smallest team excluded — The number of scorers for each club is defined by size of the smallest team, minus 1
- Last 2 runners in smallest team excluded — The number of scorers for each club is defined by size of the smallest team, minus 2
- The fourth rule is an Oxbridge varsity rules for the lower team, where the first 8 athletes score double.
Combined Events¶
For competitions using one type of combined event scoring for all combined events, simply select the scoring table you wish to apply and click SAVE.

If you have multiple combined events within your competition that require different scoring methods, then click ADVANCED.
Select the correct scoring table for each combined event, and click SAVE.

Custom Formula¶
If your combined event contains an event that uses non-standard scoring, you can specify a custom formula.
This option can be found on the advanced event configuration page.

A custom formula will always override any other scoring method selected.
Check In and Call Room Configuration¶
Check In Status¶
Require check-ins for whole competition — Require athletes to be checked in for the competition as a whole
Whole Competition Check Ins
This is typically used at competitions where athletes sign in when picking up their bibs, allowing organisers to seed only the athletes who have turned up.
Athletes can also be sent an email containing a check in link before the competition from the Mailing management screen.
Require check-ins per event — Require athletes to be checked in for each of the events they are competing in
Understanding the Check In Process
If at one check in option is turned on, competitors will need to be checked in before they can be seeded.
If both check in options are turned on, competitors checked in for the whole competition, but not an individual event, will not be seeded in that event.
The Competitors tab of the event-level page shows whether athletes are checked in.
The Competitors tab contains mass check in buttons for checking in competitors in.
Check In — Advanced¶
Allow check-in approvers — Allow the ability for those with the correct roles to approve check ins made by athletes
Enable irreversible check-ins — Prevent users from checking out, once they have checked in
Call Room Status¶
Use call room? — When ticked, OpenTrack's call room functionality is turned on
Call Room Timings¶
Call room check in time (track) — The time (in minutes) before track events that the call room should be open for
Call room check in time (field) — The time (in minutes) before field events that the call room should be open for
The competition-level call room timing settings can be overridden in the advanced event configuration screen for individual events.