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One of the main things that makes start lists and results in OpenTrack look good is the ability to show a meaningful flag next to a competitor, to signify the club, country, or other organisation they are representing.

Most of the time, these are picked up automatically and you don't need to do anything — however, if flags aren't showing (for example, when a competitor is representing a club that's not from the same country as the competition), then this page should help you keep everything looking good!

Basic Principles

If you need to add a club flag for a specific organisation, first head over to the Teams management screen.

After clicking the ADD button, looking up an existing organisation with a linked club flag should populate the 'Flag URL' field.

If you're creating an ad-hoc team, that isn't linked to an organisation in our database, then you'll need to connect the URL yourself.

Club Flags

Club flag URLs will always come in the format: //

Country Codes

Simply add the 3 letter ISO code for the country your organisation is in.

Organisation Codes

Then add the organisation code for flag you want to add.

If you need to find the code for an organisation, head over to our organisation listing page.


Country Flags

Country flag URLs will always come in the format: //

Code Type - ISO vs IOC

We offer two ways of accessing country flags - you can either use ISO or IOC codes.

A correct URL will look like either of these:

  • //
  • //


Your code type must be in lowercase for the link to be valid

Country Codes

To finish up, simply add the correct code for the system you have chosen.

For some countries, the code will be the same in both systems (i.e. AFG for Afghanistan, SVK for Slovakia), but for others, there will be a (potentially major) difference (i.e. DEU vs GER for Germany, ZAF vs RSA for South Africa), so try not to get mixed up!

Extensions - PNG vs SVG

For most countries, we have a .svg version of the club flags - this is the better one to use. If we don't, then just use the .png extension instead.
