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Road / Cross Country Relay Results Input

Inputting results for a road or cross country relay is slightly different to track events, as you will have additional splits information to input.

OpenTrack has two ways to input results, depending on how they were collected, but for both methods it is expected that times are gun times — that is, that each time you input represents how long after the race was started that something happened.

Understanding Gun Times

In a hypothetical 2x5K relay, where the first leg runner ran 20:00, and the second leg runner ran 21:00, we'd expect the time input for the first leg runner to be 20:00, and the time for the second leg runner to be 41:00. The team's overall time would also be 41:00.

To start, head to your competition, click START LISTS/RESULTS and click on the event you want to upload the results for.

Relay Start List

Edit Matrix

EDIT MATRIX ☑ brings up a grid where you can input the overall result, as well as all leg times, for each team.

To add a row to the results, input a team's bib number, overall performance, and the gun time at the finish of each leg.

As an example, if you had a three leg relay with each team member for bib 123 taking 10 minutes, the grid would contain the values 123, 30:00, 10:00, 20:00, 30:00.

When all results have been input, click SAVE.

Edit Matrix

Edit Time Series

EDIT TIME SERIES ⧖ brings up a grid where results can be input in the order that athletes crossed the line throughout the event.

The first column is for the team bib, and the second for the gun time at the end of each leg.

We expect a team's bib to appear in the list the same number of times as the number of legs in the relay. In a six leg relay where a team runs wearing bib 234, this means your Time Series grid should have six rows with bib 234, representing each time a runner from that team crossed the finish line. If a team doesn't have a full set of splits, we'll mark them as DNF.

As an example, if all athletes representing team 101 in a 3x3K relay ran 10:00, we'd see three rows for this team in the grid: 101,10:00, 101,20:00, 101,30:00.

Edit Time Series


Make sure you input the results in the correct time format. For example:

  • 9.58 - seconds
  • 58.5 - seconds
  • 63.5 - seconds
  • 1:03.5 - equivalent to 63.5, first digit assumed to be minutes
  • 2:03 - assumed to be an 800m time of 2 minutes, and not a Marathon, because only one colon
  • 2:02:57 - a marathon time, two colons so contains hours
  • 73:15 - a half marathon time, equivalent to 1:03:15

If inputting an ultra event, you'll need to count up the hours!

When you're done click SAVE and placings will be calculated.