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Advancing Through Rounds


Initial Setup

  • The initial setup and seeding your first round is near identical that of seeding a single round event, check our Seeding Docs for detailed instructions.
  • To prevent any confusion, when you have more than one round, ensure you set the subsequent round(s) start time which then will be displayed in the timetable. This can be done in the events advance configuration page which can be accessed by clicking the MANGE button while on the events seeding/start list page, or by going to the Event Grid in the management screens, and scrolling down to the bottom where you'll have a link to the advanced configuration for each event.
Seeding Config

Round Structure

  • You can edit your round structure in the event grid or on the seeding page itself.
  • It determines the number of rounds and heats within each event.
  • In a championship competition you might see a 7,3,1 (7 heats, 3 semi-finals, and a final), or a 3,1 (3 heats, and a final).
  • In an open competition you might see a 10,10 (10 heats in round 1, and 10 heats in round 2).
  • You can create any round structure, as long as it follows this patter of [R1_No.Heats],[R2_No.Heats],...

Championship Meeting

  • Championship meets will utilise round progression the most, where you will have a number of heats, possibly semi-finals and a final.
  • To start you must set your method to Championship Heats, set the lane number to max number of athletes you want in each heat, and ensure your round structure is correct.
    • 7,3,1 = 7 heats, 3 semi-finals, and 1 final.
    • 3,1 = 3 heats, and 1 final.


  • The key step when seeding a championship heat, is to set how many athletes will progress to the next round on position and on performance.
    • Qualifiers on position (Q) - This sets the number of athlete in each heat who will automatically qualify to the next round.
    • Qualifiers on performance (q) - This sets the number of fastest losers who will qualify to the next round.
    • Expected qualifiers and Spaces in next round - This helps you ensure you will fill all the places in the subsequent round.
  • To seed the first round click the SEED HEAT button and then click PUBLISH to allow everyone to see the start lists.
Championship Seeding Screen

  • Results can be uploaded either Manually or via PhotoFinish.
  • Now your results are uploaded, you can click the MARK QUALIFIERS button, which will place a Q or q next to each athlete who has qualified for the next round.
Results Uploaded - Ready For Progression

Q & q Applied


Seeding subsequent rounds is very simple, if you have a semi-final you will be presented with a simple seeding screen where you just have to select how many athletes will qualify on position and how many will qualify on performance for the final.

Now all you have to do is click the SEED HEAT button and then click PUBLISH to allow everyone to see the semi-final start lists.


Make sure you've marked qualifiers as this must be completed before you can see the subsequent round.

Semi-Final Seeding

Then once results are uploaded, like for the previous round you just have to click the MARK QUALIFIERS button to progress these athlete to the final.

Semi-Final - Mark Qualifiers


Seeding the final is also very simple, once you've marked the qualifiers from the previous round, you just need to click the SEED FINAL button and then the PUBLISH to publish the start list for the final.

Seeding the Final

Then all you you have to do is run the final, upload the results and mark them as official!

Open Meeting

  • Round progression can be used in open meetings, if you want to give athletes two or more runs. This is often seen for 100m or 200m events, where the athletes will be seeded into their round 1 heat based on their SB/PB and then you seed the second round using the first round performances.
  • To start you would select your seeding method to Open Meet Seeding, select the number of lanes you will have / the number of athletes in each heat, and ensure your round structure is correct.

Seeding Round 1

  • Seeding round 1 is identical to seeding a single round event, with the only difference being that your round structure will be set to have multiple rounds, an example could be 10,10.
  • Once you're happy with the athletes seeding performances which can be edited in the competitor tab, you need to click the SEED HEAT button and then click PUBLISH to allow everyone to see the exact time of their first race.
Open Meet Seeding Screen

  • Seeding Round 2

    • First you must upload the first round results either Manually or via PhotoFinish, and then if there is a Mark Qualifiers button click this, as it will progress all finishers through to round 2.
    • Then click on the Round 2 tab where you will be displayed with your seeding options:
      • Method - You can decide if you want to seed the fastest athletes first or seed the slowest athletes first. It will seed off round 1 times.
      • Include DQ athletes - You can allow athletes who were disqualified in round 1 to run in round 2.
      • Include DNF athletes - You can allow athletes who didn't finish round 1, run in round 2.
      • Include DNS athletes - You can allow athletes who didn't start round 1, run in round 2.
    • Then click SEED HEAT and PUBLISH, allowing everyone to see the round 2 start lists and the exact time of their second race. You must ensure you've set the time of round 2 in the advanced configuration settings, for a time to show.
Round 2 Seeding Screen

Then all you've got to do is run round 2, upload results, and mark them as official. Then you're either done, or you can move onto round 3 if you want, repeating the above steps.

Manual Progression

  • Like with seeding single round matches, you can always edit the athletes who progress into the next round by using the edit by lane feature, this can be used to make any minor changes to the subsequent start lists, a common use is when an athlete who qualified drops out, and you need to replace them with the next fastest loser.


Automated Progression

  • Initial setup is the same as seeding for a single round, but your round structure will include multiple rounds, e.g. 2,1.
  • Check our Seeding Docs for detailed instructions.


Automatic field progression is currently still in development, therefore it is not yet finished, however mostly still functions as expected.

You may be asked to set the Q number, set this to 0 to enable the correct method of progression for field events to be carried out.

The process of carrying out automated round progression in a field event is almost identical to that of a track event, with the only difference being the criteria to progress through rounds.

You set the qualifying performance, which is the standard athletes must achieve to get a Q, and then you set the q standard which is the minimum size of your final pool.

Once this is set up, everything else is identical to the method of progression for track events, with seeding, uploading results, marking qualifiers and then seeding the subsequent round.

Manual Progression

You can also complete field progression manually if have a specific method of progression which we are unable to handle.

You will seed your qualification pool(s), as if you only had a single round but ensure the round structure has multiple rounds to create the final, if you need help check out our seeding guide.

Field Seeding Screen

Then once round one has concluded, you can upload the results and add Qs & qs to the notes column to those who will progress to the final.

Q & q Applied - Field

Then click on the final tab, and click EDIT. Now you just need to manually input the order and bibs of those who are in the final, and click SAVE.

Seeding Final - Field

Then all you have to do is run the final, upload the results and mark them as official.