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Roles are assigned between a person and an organisation. Some roles can be assigned on a competition by competition basis.

Below is a table listing all the roles a person can have in OpenTrack, and what permissions this role allows them to have.

Table of permissions

Organisation Competition
Member Is a member of this organisation
Registered Is licensed with this organisation
e.g. federation licence
Appears on Has a profile linked with this organisation
e.g. Power of 10, Tilastopaja
Coach Is a coach for this organisation
Admin Can manage all settings related to this organisation
e.g manage memberships and licences
Includes Treasurer rights
Director Can manage any competitions linked to this organisation Can manage this competition only
Treasurer Can connect this organisation’s Stripe account and manage payments related to this organisation
Team manager Can declare team entries for this organisation in any competition Can declare team entries for a given organisation in this competition only
Team approver Can approve entries for this organisation in any competition Can approve entries for a given organisation in this competition only
Email recipient Additional recipients of emails relating to this organisation
e.g. licence renewal notices
Official Has access to seeding, numbering and results input for all competitions linked to this organisation Has access to seeding, numbering and results input for this competition only
Recorder Has access to field results input for all competitions linked to this organisation Has access to field results input for this competition only

Combining permissions roles

If you wish for someone to have permissions which are spread across multiple roles, simply assign the additional roles to this person.

E.g. for a person to have access to manage an organisation’s general settings and also have access to managing all competitions linked to an organisation, simply assign them both the Admin and Director roles.