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Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of FAQs from our customers and clients, and hope these will address many of your questions. Please let us know if there is anything you believe we should add to this list as it is by no means exhaustive.

Managing Entries

How do I open entries?

Go to Manage | Paid Entry Config and change "indiv. entries status" to "open for entries". Ensure that the event is not marked as demo in Manage | Config, if you want it to be displayed on public listings.

An athlete has registered for too many events. Can I withdraw them from a single event?

Yes, in Manage | Entries you can search for the athlete, and then click the pencil icon on the right of the row

Can I give refunds?

Yes, in Manage | Entries you can search for the athlete, and click the $ symbol to the right of the row. Then enter the amount you wish to issue.
Please note, if an athlete withdraws themselves, or you withdraw them, a refund isn’t automatically given.

Why do athletes appear on the entries list but not the competitors list?

Sometimes the competitors don’t appear immediately, because of caching. You can go to Manage | Competitors | Actions | Sync Entries & Recalc, and this will bring all the entries through. It is always a good idea to do this after entries have closed.

There are athletes who have incomplete entries. Can I contact them about their entry?

Yes, go to Manage | Mailing, and set the recipients to “Unpaid or incomplete entries”.


Can I test the event without it going live?

Yes, in one of two ways:

  • Find your event on the test server
  • In Manage | Competition Details, mark the event as a demo, which means it is hidden from public listing and is only accessible via the URL

Entry Eligibility

Can I exclude certain age groups from events?

Yes, in one of two ways:

  • You can specify the age groups you want to include in the event grid (e.g. U11,U13,U15,U17,SEN - this excludes U20 athletes)
  • You can specify ALL in the event grid, and set a minimum age limit in Manage | Config.

Checking Licences

An athlete is showing as “NOT CHECKED”, what does this mean?

We compare the athlete’s details with the federation database license checker (e.g. England Athletics checker) - this is the name, DOB and URN. If an athlete thinks they have a valid license, but the checker doesn’t approve them, then check their details exactly match the EA database - the details may not be an exact match (for example using a shortened first name) or may be different in EA’s database (for example an incorrect DOB).


Can athletes’ performances be taken from Power of 10 and Tilastopaja, for seeding?

Yes, in Manage | Paid Entry Config find the “Qualifying performance” and “PB/SB” boxes, and choose “Optional” or “Required”. This will draw an athlete's performance from Power of 10 or Tilastopaja into the entry journey if a match can be found. However the athlete can overwrite these if they wish (e.g.. Their PB is in the equivalent event on the track/road).

What does QP mean?

QP is qualifying performance — generally the athlete’s best performance in an event within the previous two seasons.


How do I grant a user access to the competition page?

Go to Manage | Entries and click “ADD OFFICIAL”. Then enter the details and role for the person in question.


On the homepage, there is a button labelled 'DOWNLOADS'. What are these?

The downloads are visible to Event Directors, and contain downloadable documents including from paid entries and financial information, entry and start lists, field event cards, and results in the required format for Power of 10.