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Display Options

To set the homepage text and information, head to the DISPLAY tab from the MANAGE screen.

The Basic Description box is a "rich text field", which means that the text can be formatted, e.g. bold, italicised, bullet points, etc.

Display Text

You can also input hyperlinks so external documents can be linked to. This is really useful if there is a lot of information to provide.


There are a few other options to utilise here:

  • Video url - If you have a URL to a video that you wish to display on the homepage of the compeititon, e.g. a marketing video, then input this here and the embedded video will be on the homepage.
  • Show category rankings - Check the box if you want the category rankings to be displayed on the results pages
  • Show Combined Events points - Checking this will add an additional column to the results pages; this will display the points achieved in each of the events that belong to a combined event
  • Show age grades - Check this if you want age grade results to show on results pages
  • Hide competitors - Check this if you want the Competitors button to be hidden so people cannot view who is in the competition. This will also hide the START LISTS button.
Display Options