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Refunding Entrants

You are able to refund entrants directly within OpenTrack.

From the ENTRIES page, find the athlete you wish to refund:

Refunding Entrants

Click on the small $ sign on the far right. It is inside an arrowed circle.

This will show you all the payments made by the person who entered this athlete. For example, in the image below it shows the payment made for 4 entries. The athlete we clicked on was one of these.

Refunding Entrants

There are two refund options:

Refunding Entrants

As it suggests, this will refund the full payment paid back to the person who made the entries. OpenTrack and Stripe both keep their fees, which means that the organiser has to make up the difference. For example, from a £10 entry, OpenTrack and Stripe's fees (combined) are £1 and the organiser gets £9. If a full refund is then issued, then the organiser has £10 go out of their Stripe account.

Refunding Entrants

The amount refunded can be manually adjusted to whatever figure the organiser wants.